Билеты к экзаменам по английскому: «История америки на английском языке» заказ №1967437

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«История америки на английском языке»

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Ответить кратко на вопросы, брать информацию из книги указанной ниже: Questions: 1. What is the origin of American Indians? 2. Why did not the Indian tribes get united against Europeans? Give an example of the most successful Indian union. 3. Name some of the houses the Indians built. Reading assignment: An Illustrated History of the USA, pp 4 -8 Questions: 1. Why is Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America called the ”most successful failure in history”? In what sense can we say that he opened America? 2. Was the European influence on American Indians positive or negative? 3. What caused the European - Indian land conflict?   Reading assignment: An Illustrated History of the USA, pp 8 -12 Questions: 1. Compare the Spanish and the British exploration of America. 2. Where did the British crown get money for colonization of America? Where did they get people to go to colonies? 3. What was the difference between indentured servants and slaves? 4. How was Virginia founded? 5. How was Massachusetts founded? 6. Compare Virginia and Massachusetts in terms of their foundation. 7. How were other 11 colonies founded? Give examples. 8. What were 2 periods of British colonisation?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, p.p. 12 - 20 Questions: 1. Why was the growth of population in American colonies dangerous for Great Britain? 2. Why was it easy to become rich in colonial America? 3. What is “a triangular trade”? 4. What was “the power of the purse” and why was it important for the colonies? 5. Why were not public schools and universities popular in Southern colonies? 6. Who was Peter Zenger? 7. Compare Virginia and Massachusetts in terms of their way of life in the 18th century. 8. What was American attitude to culture and philosophy in the 17th-18th centuries?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, p.p. 20 - 23 Questions: 1. In what sense did the Seven Years War pave the way to the Revolution? 2. What was the aim of Regulatory Acts and Intolerable Acts (compare)? 3. Compare the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress (when? where? why?) 4. The War of Independence (When and where did it start? What was the turning point of the war? Why were the battles at Saratoga and Yorktown important? When did the war finish? What were the results of the war?) 5. How does the theory of social contract explain the beginning of the Revolution?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, pp. 24 - 31 Questions: 1. How did the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation? 2. What is the Bill of Rights? 3. What were two major compromises of the Constitution? 4. What was the difference between Federalists and Anti-Federalists? 5. What was the political significance of the Constitution? 6. What was the economic significance of the Constitution? 7. What was the cultural significance of the Constitution? 8. What was the composition of the first US government under the Constitution?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, pp. 32 - 36 Questions: 1. Tell about the significance of The Northwest Ordinance, the Missouri Compromise and the Homestead Act (be able to compare the documents). 2. What was meant by “manifest destiny” and what measures were taken by the American government to complete the manifest destiny? 3. What was the essence of the “frontier theory” and what was the connection between American Westward Expansion and American national character? 4. How did the “theory of innocence” interpret the westward expansion? 5. What did the Monroe Doctrine say and how did it form the US foreign policy? 6. What happened to the Indians during the period of Westward Expansion: the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears; the last battles?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, Longman , pp. 36 - 44, 58 - 72 Questions: 1. How was slavery treated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? 2. How did the North and the South respond to the Industrial Revolution? Which region got the advantages at the beginning of it and which region got the advantages at the end of it? What were those advantages? 3. What was the difference between Old South and Southwest as different economic regions and why did they unite against Northern states during the Civil War? 4. What political compromises regulated the issue of slavery in the USA? What did the Compromise of 1850 say and why did it start a new dispute? 5. What did the Fugitive Slave Law regulate? 6. What was the Underground Railway? 7. What was the difference between Theodore Weld and William Lloyd Garrison? 8. What arguments were used by the Southerners to defend slavery?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, Longman, pp. 44 - 49 Questions: 1. What events of the 1850s led to the Civil War? 2.How did the Civil War start (when/where/ what happened)? 3. What groups did the states form and how many states were in each group? 4.Who were the presidents in the opposing groups? 5.How did Lincoln’s position on slavery change during the war: 1) What did he want to do with the black slaves in March 1861 ( his inaugural address)? 2) What did he want to do with the black slaves in 1862 ( The Emancipation Proclamation)? 6. Which group had more victories at the beginning of the war? Which group won the war and why did military advantage change in 1862- 1863? 7. Why was the battle at Gettysburg in 1863 important? Who won it? 8. How did the war end (when/ where/ who won it)? Who led the opposing armies? What were the surrender terms? 9. How did Lincoln die (when/ where)?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, Longman, pp. 50 - 53 Questions: 1. What were the results of the Civil War? 2. What is meant by “hands-off” policy of the Federal government? 3. What was the role of Freedmen’s Bureau? 4. What were the differences between Presidential and Radical Reconstructions?   Reading assignment: Bryn O Callaghan, An Illustrated History of the USA, Longman, pp. 54-88 ссылка на учебник: https://naoumimohamed.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/an-illustrated-history-of-the-usa.pdf

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Билеты к экзаменам по английскому: «История америки на английском языке»
  • Тип Билеты к экзаменам
  • Предмет Английский
  • Заявка номер 1 967 437
  • Стоимость 1600 руб.
  • Уникальность 70%
Дата заказа: 19.01.2021
Выполнено: 21.01.2021

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Учусь на последнем курсе и параллельно работаю. Поэтому пришлось покупать ответы к билетам на экзамен. Несколько раз обращалась на Заочник ранее, но в этот раз оставалось всего 4 дня до сдачи. ребята с Заочника не подвели. Сделали за 3 дня, я еще успела прочитать несколько раз. Сдала на отлично. Спасибо что вошли в положение. В следующий раз тянуть с заказом не буду......

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Прекрасно выполненная работа. Автор вдумчиво и по предоставленному материалу всё скомпоновал. Благодарю.

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спасибо, все ясно и понятно, учтены рекомендации

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Все в срок, были некоторые доработки

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спасибо, все супер!

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Все требования к работе выполнены, очень развернутые ответы, оперативно менеджер оформила заказ и учла все мои пожелания. Спасибо.Отдельное спасибо менеджеру Белозерская Екатерина, с клиентами Вы умеете договариваться и слово держите.

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